Sunday, 19 September 2010

Green Underwear and Other Adventures in Food

Which is mostly and introductory post that I would like to preface with the following. Any blog of mine WILL contain run-ons, comma splices and overuse of parentheses and ellipse. So Sarah, Jules, Harder and any other classically trained grammar-Nazis-that-love-me out

I figured to start off my Tales of Scotland I should introduce the players (namely my flat-mates) and as an amusing anecdote admit to committing a customary college faux-pas that I had previously avoided.

I did my first load of laundry on Friday night after a lovely meal of Burgers, Corn on the Cob, and Mac&Cheese. My roomie, Sarah, from Minnesota and I made an "American" meal at the request of our international pals and decided that that was the meal least a bastardization of some other countries cuisine and there for the most (or least depending on your perspective) American. So I was doing my laundry and very proud of the fact that I had fit all my dirty clothes plus my brand new sheets, that I had already slept on for a week without washing, and mattress pad in the washer (I had to leave out one sad lonely towel, Arthur Dent would have been proud). I promptly forgot about my clothing in the dryer as we ate our semi-delicious meal (as we could only semi-acquire the correct ingredients) and ran down in a panic once I remembered. Lucky everything was still there and not strewn across the laundry floor (score Scotland one for laundry etiquette). The problem arose while folding in the living room when I discovered my pillowcase and all of my white underwear is a delicate shade of mint green matching the color of my apple green sheets if bleached perfectly.

So successfully contaminated white laundry, Check. It actually turned out rather pretty.

Now on to introductions. In my flat we have Kaia and Kristine (who made me rolls and promised me julekaka) from Norway both blonde, slim and sweet as pie. Also both hikers so we have joined the University Rucksack (read hiking) club together along with martin. martin is our German roommate he made me Turkish coffee his first day here so we'll list him as passing muster. Emanuele is from Italy and burned water when he promised us coffee so the jury was out until he made pasta. Sarah is the other American she actually made the mac&cheese for our dinner, it was ridiculously amazing.

I plan to win them all over with Pie.

So those are all my flatmates, all food trials aside (however important they are) they really are great.

I'll tell you about the people in the flat across the hall tomorrow. I actually got to know them first because none of my flatmates were here yet when I arrived.


  1. Send me some authentic Julakaka..:) how funny about the green underwear..I guess you didn't sort the laundry eh?..just put it all in together..that a girl!!

  2. Ana, Love your green clothes story. Luckily that is your favorite color. Love Ma
